A successor of sendmail X is available.
Most of the design of MeTA1 has been completed, but there are still open issues. I wrote a draft of a design document which describes the architecture of MeTA1. It does not (yet) completely specify the configuration or the functionality at the user level, e.g., mail routing or address rewriting.
If you are interested in providing feedback or actively supporting
the development of MeTA1, then please contact me at
< MeTA1 + feedback (at) MeTA1 . org >
(sorry for the obfuscation, please apply the required substitution)
Note: please do not send mail in HTML format, use just plain text.
Moreover, make sure your system accepts mail from the IP address (and don't use C/R systems, I won't answer).
Please tell me why you are interested in MeTA1, what your possible contributions are, and how you want to participate. Please contact me only if you are serious and you can spend some time
There are many opportunities to help in the development of MeTA1. This can be in the area of design and specification as well as in the implementation. For example, MeTA1 has a map abstraction layer, but currently not many map implementation such as LDAP, regular expressions, etc. It would be nice if such code could be contributed. [(links)] [Hints] [Avoiding UBE] [cf/README] [New]
Copyright © Claus Aßmann Please send comments to: <ca at sendmail.org> Disclaimer: the information provided may be inaccurate or outdated or incomplete. Please contact me if you find an error.